Tuesday, February 27, 2007


The New York Giant who died on Iwo Jima

Receiving lots of wonderful mail about our latest, The New York Giant who died on Iwo Jima (published yesterday at Townhall.com and today at Family Security Matters).

Thanks to the many bloggers and others who have since picked it up, including Michelle Malkin who often links to our stories.

Also, two unrelated posts on The Corner at National Review Online, here and here.

Oh, and the picture you see here is, yes, the New Giant who died on Iwo Jima - 1st Lieutenant Jack Lummus, a Marine infantry officer, a recipient of the Medal of Honor, and one of America's greatest heroes.

Semper Fi,

P.S. Will try to be better about posting. Have been neglecting this blog for months.

[Visit W. Thomas Smith Jr.'s official website at uswriter.com]

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