Tuesday, June 27, 2006


"Yo-ho-ho and a rocket-propelled grenade"

Much goings on since last posted (which as usual explains the lack of posting). Anyway, here's a quick update:

What else? Working, a little traveling, some friends and family time.
Enjoyed a cup of coffee Saturday morning at the beautiful Shandon (Columbia, S.C.) home of acclaimed South Carolina author John Hammond Moore. We discussed everything from his latest books to German POWs in S.C. during WWII to dueling in the old South. John is quite a fascinating person, and I am fortunate to know and count him among my friends.
Yesterday, my nephew Michael and I took-in the incredible Napoleon exhibit - a 'must see' - at the S.C. State Museum here in Columbia. The exhibit included original artwork, documents signed by the Emperor, maps, some of his personal military equipment, pieces of his uniform, his summer hat, and other items related to Napoleon, his women, his Marshalls, his wars and politics.

While I'm at it, let me throw in a plug for my buddy John Temple Ligon. His office just released the following:

The second Friday in July is Bastille Day, when I stand in my balcony at the Crillon overlooking the parade in the Place de la Concorde, where heads rolled during the Reign of Terror. The next Friday, July 21, is our monthly lecture on urban design, this time on the history of the town plan of Paris.
This fall, the Columbia Museum of Art is scheduled to exhibit residential work by architect Frank Lloyd Wright. On the second Friday of September and on the second Friday of October, there will be lectures at my place on Wright, and in November, at a time and date to be announced, I offer to be your docent for a guided gallery talk through the Wright exhibition.
Beginning Sunday, January 28, and running for three months is the exhibition at our National Gallery of Art, "Jasper Johns: An Allegory of Painting, 1955-1965." The exhibition's first Saturday morning, February 3, at 10 is set for my tour of the exhibition. I'll be your docent. The museum's guided gallery talks are typically scheduled to start between noon and 2, so feel free to hang around for the in-house offerings. But after my talk, some of us South Carolinians are headed for lunch at the Hay-Adams with a view of the White House. Everyone is invited, to include our South Carolina Congressional delegation and staffs.
Further reminders will be sent, but please try to make each of these occasions. What else are you going to do?
John Temple Ligon
#204 Senate Plaza
1520 Senate Street

Also, catch Temple each Sunday morning on The Sunday Temple Times (9-11 am on WISW Radio 1320 AM) here in Columbia. Or catch him worldwide on streaming audio. The Sunday Temple Times is a fascinating program covering local politics, the arts, various newsmakers, etc. as well as what's hot nationally and internationally.

OK, more to come. Needing some coffee.

[Please visit W. Thomas Smith Jr. at uswriter.com]

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