Friday, July 15, 2005
A new global defense publication
The premier edition of WORLD DEFENSE REVIEW, a brand new global military/defense publication, was published this morning and is available online at There you'll find stories by Richard "Rogue Warrior" Marcinko, Alma H. Bond, yours truly, and others. There's much more in the que, so stay tuned!
Each of us at WORLD DEFENSE REVIEW come from different experiences, so we have different approaches in our understanding of global conflict and defense issues. We see our responsibilty as being able to provide our readers with updated features and commentary from our own writers, as well as headlining news and information from a variety of the world's top English-language news media.
Again, check us out at, and email any comments to wthomassmithjr -at- or wtsjr -at-
Each of us at WORLD DEFENSE REVIEW come from different experiences, so we have different approaches in our understanding of global conflict and defense issues. We see our responsibilty as being able to provide our readers with updated features and commentary from our own writers, as well as headlining news and information from a variety of the world's top English-language news media.
Again, check us out at, and email any comments to wthomassmithjr -at- or wtsjr -at-