Thursday, June 09, 2005
Homeless people
Jason Trommetter over at New Trommetter Times and TarHeel Voice is commenting about his recent witnessing of two Charlotte, N.C.-area cops giving a homeless woman a hard time: Demanding to see an ID and shouting at her about having to "go to the courthouse to find out when her court date would be."
Don't cops have anything better to do? Of course, they're most probably doing what they've been directed to do: Getting unsightly panhandlers off the street so that the fine, upstanding, well-fed, freshly scrubbed citizens of Charlotte don't have to be bothered with the so-called "dregs of the gutter."I'm sorry folks, but this burns me up! For the most part, the homeless are harmless... in fact, they are often the ones victimized by those a little higher - though not by much - on the socio-economic ladder.
I've been confronted by the homeless many, many times... and it certainly doesn't inconvenience me in the least to be asked for something by someone who, for whatever reason, possesses absolutely nothing of material value beyond the filthy clothes on his or her back.
They - not me - are the ones inconvienced. They are the ones enduring a life most of us can not even begin to fathom... even if it is their fault.
In fact, years ago I lived among the homeless for several days - researching a story I was working on about them - and I was greatly humbled by what I experienced and learned. More later on that.
In the meantime, the next time you see a homeless person, try to remember - despite what some might tell you - homeless people DO NOT enjoy the station they hold in life. With few exceptions, they are not a threat to any of us (in fact they are the most vulnerable members of society). And they are every bit as loved and valued as you are by God.