Tuesday, May 10, 2005


'Marines killing bad guys' ... and other things

"U.S. Marines Push Toward Syrian Border"

Now THAT is a headline that'll grab anyone's attention. Can you imagine reading that prior to September 11, 2001? Anyway, see story here.

On a few other notes: Posting here at wthomassmithjr.com has been sporadic, lately: Apologies to all, but paying-deadlines and teaching a course in national print at the J-school are taking up much of my time, this month. More to come, however, so stay tuned!

Also: My buddy, Michael Graham, was a guest on Hannity & Colmes, last night. Congrats, MG, "you rabble rouser," you.

And finally: My buddy, Temple Ligon, has just published the following open invitation:


Jasper Johns of South Carolina – with a year at A. C. Moore on Rosewood and a few years near Batesburg–Leesville and three semesters in the USC art department – turns 75 this Sunday, May 15. As America's most important painter of the 20th Century, I say, Johns deserves some attention this Friday at 6 pm. We'll spend an hour on Johns' work, fully illustrated with color slides projected to the wall. Concurrently, starting at 6:30 pm in the art museum auditorium, the Design League is showing a film on Jane Jacobs, author of Death and Life of Great American Cities, published about 45 years ago. You're invited to attend my lecture on Johns, have some birthday cake and lots of champagne, but you can also see the film on Jane Jacobs in the CMA auditorium. Either way, we'll all meet up in the CMA's Boyd Plaza for the 9 pm al fresco showing of The Big Chill. It's a bit crowded, but Friday night looks pretty good.
Lecture on the work of Jasper Johns --
6-7 pm, Friday, May 13
#204 Senate Plaza
1520 Senate Street
John Temple Ligon
office: 771.0219
home: 988.0694


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