Friday, February 04, 2005


Regarding General Mattis (see yesterday’s post)

My friend, author and nationally acclaimed poet Kay Day, emails me:

“Any person who thinks a Marine can survive without a preference for brawling has a reduced IQ. I'm glad he likes shooting those creeps. And I hope he got a lot of them. What do you suppose those ‘insurgents’ and ‘holy warriors’ say about killing us? I am so sick of the damned media second-guessing the troops that keep freedom intact so the damned media can whine about a Marine who's doing his job and being honest about it.”

Then a reader emails Jonah Goldberg, on NRO’s THE CORNER, and says,

“My son is a US Marine, 1st Marine Div. He is a LCpl and as such has no use for officers, or anybody in the Army, Navy or Air Force unless they are flying air cover for his guys. That said, he told me, since the Mattis remarks, they would happily ‘...follow that guy into hell.’ God bless Gen Mattis! We need more like him. (Got that Wes Clark?)”

My sentiments exactly.

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